Cutout copper sitting in the cutout hole of brass before being hammered and rolled in place. |
Inlay set in place and finished. |
We did a demo in class that involved inlaying a different type of metal into another. In my case, I chose to inlay copper since it is softer, into brass. I started out with a sheet of copper and brass (the copper being thicker in gage than the brass) and cut out my shape of a tree into the brass. Then I proceeded to trace the shape of the brass shape onto my copper and cut it out, making sure that it was slightly bigger than the traced edges to compensate for the width of the marking tool. After making sure the copper fit slightly snug into the brass (left image) I annealed the copper then fit it back into the copper and hammered the edges so they would spread to the brass. After hammering I soldered the remaining holes, pickled it, sanded the solder down, annealed the whole thing and ran it though the rolling machine.